WII Pre-E3 Live Update!

Get in for up-to-minute live updates on what's happening Wii related at the pre-E3 conference. Head to DS-X2 for everything DS/GBA related.

The time is measured in UK time:

The press conference has ended.

6.37: Reggie is alone on stage and talks how revolutionary the Wii is, and explains whats "Hot" and "Not".

6.32: Reggie steps back on stage and invites the winner of the Wii/AOL competition. Shigeru Miyamoto steps onto stage to announce the winner, but before he does he shows the new Tennis game on the Wii and plays it. He announces the winner is "Scott Dier(?)" onto stage to play the Wii. Reggie, Iwata, NoA guy and Scott are on stage playing Tennis. They finish the game, and everyone except Reggie leaves.

6.21: Iwata then gets up on stage and starts talking about the audience they will be spreading to. He explains the audience that players of nintendogs and Brain Training games have never played a video game before. He then explains that the Wii is always "on" even when it seems like it's turned off which uses a technology called "Wii Connect 24" and explains that it can download new content even when the system is off. They are aiming for a system that is "new every day" and explains that they are expanding the market to people who have never played video games before. He then shows "WiiSports", a series of different sporting games with "Tennis, Golf and Baseball" with one package available at launch day.

6.14: George Harrison takes up stage and explains the DS and the people that bought it. He then explains the success of nintendogs, Brain Training and Wi-Fi games, it has sold over 16 million units since 2004. He then explains the Touch Generation games and the four titles. He then explains that the DS Lite will arrive 4 weeks later in America. He then shows NEW. Mario Bros and explains that both the Pokon Dungeon games will arrive in September. Starfox DS, Diddy Kong Racing and Yoshi's Island 2 will be released on the DS. He then shows Tony Hakws: Downhill Jam for the DS, to be online and VoIP and then shows The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and explains that the features. A new showreel is shown of the DS Lite. Mario Hoops 3on3 is shown, Star Fox DS is then shown, NEW. Super Mario Bros is then shown, followed by Elite Beat Agents (Ouendan), Yoshi's Island 2, Pokon Mystery Dungeon, Diddy Kong Racing, with Online Wi-Fi and "Total Adventure Racing". Then Mario vs DK: March of the Mini's is shown. The trailer then ends with the "Playing is believing" slogan.

6.06: Ubisoft is up on stage showcasing Red Steel and the person is playing it. They then show the graphical awesomeness and huge explosions. He then guns down many enemies in an outside area and then heads inside for more kills. The player is then inside a casino style area and mows down enemies with ease using the freehand and nunchuck controller simultaneousely. They then explain that you can choose to kill enemies or have them help you, they are then in an inside area and shoot glass as it shatters all over the ground and fish come out of the fishtank. The player then takes out his sword and a duel begins, he then defeats the enemy and ends the demo explaining the game will be playable at the Nintendo booth tommorow.

6.00: Reggie is back on-stage, and explain that they will launch Twilight Princess for Wii and Gamecube seperately. Yet another game reel is shown with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. He then shows Super Mario Galaxy. He then shows Excite Truck, the sequel to Excitebike with trucks. Project H.A.M.M.E.R is then shown and explains it and then shows Disaster: Day of Crisis and shows "Hyper Sonic" in an exclusive video and then shows Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - The Crystal Bearers. He then shows Madden and explains that 27 games will be played tommorow on the show floor.

5.54: Reggie invites Nate and Bill, to show them playing Twilight Princess on the Wii. They explain the movements. Link is in a dungeon area and starts walking around. He then fights off a Moblin and shows the Bow being used to knock an enemy down. A built-in speaker is in the remote and they explain that it adds the depth to the game. Link is then fighting a tough enemy, and they then show the Gale Boomerang being used to aim. He then unlocks and area and heads into it, he then kills enemies and picks up crates and throws them about. The nunchuck has built in motion-sensoring which allows for alot of freedom. Link is then using the Iron Boots and is lift up upside down by a magnet, he then fights an enemy and stabs down to finish the enemy. He is then fighting a multitude of enemies with the sword. They then walk of stage.

5.50: A new video is shown, with Fire Emblem, Spongebob, Super Mario Galaxy, SD Gundam, Tony Hawks, Sengoku Action, Necro-Nesia, Excite Truck, Elebits, Red Steel, Rayman 4, Super Swing Golf, Sonic Wild Fire, Project HAMMER, Final Furlong, One Piece, Madden, Final Fantasy: CC - the Crystal Bearers and Zelda: Twilight Princess.

5.45: Reggie is back up on screen explaining how nintedogs changed the DS, and how the Wii will change everything. Reggie asks the audience obvious questions, and then he asks "Do you know someone, whos never played a videogame?". He explains that they will change the gaming industry today. Reggie then starts to explain that Mario 64 was revolutionary for many reasons, and explains that the memory of Super Mario 64 was the concept of Wii. The logo pops up on screen and Reggie explains the concept behind the name "Wii", and how it sounds strange and compares it to other strange names. He then explains about the 3rd parties, and what they'll have.

5.39: The screen comes up and the Wii promo trailer is shown, but edited. People pick up the Wii controllers, 2 each and start playing a music game. A group of four is then shown playing Tennis with the Wiimote and in-game videos. Now we're onto people playing golf and a whole group conducting music. People are now playing a driving game with the Wiimote, Mario is shown!! Mario is going upside down and collecting loads of coins and fighting a giant monster in a tub. A flight game and Metroid Prime 3 are shown, 2 girls are playing Table Tennis and Wario Ware Wii is shown with various minigames. A baseball game is then shown with various people playing it, Red Steel is again shown with people utilizing the sword and guns. Zelda Twilight Princess is then shown ith the Wii controller, Link is using his boomerand and bow to knock down enemies. People are then fishing with the controller and Link hooks in a big fish. The end of the trailer is here.

5.38: Reggie is up and explaining the Wii, and how it changes.

5.35: People are playing Wii games with the Wiimote, a racing game, Now he's playing a sword fighting game, Red Steel, he now conducts music.

5.34pm: We see the camera trailing past the stage onto the floor! Shigsy walks on stage. He seems to be conducting Zelda music with human graphics on a screen playing the music holding the Wiimote!

5.33pm: Music still playing, 3 minutes late. Ah well. Should be worth it.

5.25pm: 5 minutes to go, screen is now a shaded silver Nintendo logo.

5.19pm: Music playing, 11 minutes to go.

revbaseball.jpg WiiSports: Baseball

revmario.jpg Super Mario Galaxy

revmetroid.jpg Metriod Prime 3: Corruption

revmetroid2.jpg Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

revtabletennis.jpg WiiSports: Table Tennis

revtennis.jpg WiiSports: Tennis

revwarioware.jpg WarioWare

revzelda.jpg The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

revzelda2.jpg The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

revzelda3.jpg The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Posted on 09-05-2006 by skarma


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