NDS Children of Mana - Facts

We're ashamed that we did not have any firm facts on Children of Mana in our database yet, however Nintendo comes to the rescue with the fresh facts on the title from Square-Enix.

Ten years before the game begins, a great cataclysm struck, and the land of Illusia was besieged by monsters. Now, the Mana Tree has been corrupted by her own power, and mysterious pillars of Mana energy have appeared throughout the land. Each of these pillars has corrupted the power of the guardian spirits in those lands. With the help of the Sword of Mana, the player must free each of these guardian spirits from the corrupting magic and help restore order the Mana Tree and the land of Illusia itself.

Children of Mana is an action/adventure role-playing game. Players start in a "hub" town in Illusia and travel to different locations (dungeons) throughout the world. Each dungeon contains an assortment of monsters. At the end of the dungeon is a corrupted spirit "boss" they must defeat to free the pure spirit within. All battles are real-time: Players use button combos to attack with different weapons, including flails, bows, swords and mallets. Players can summon elemental spirits to attack enemies as well, or they can use the power of the spirits to enhance their weapons' attack powers.

Any of the game's dungeons can be played solo, but one to four players can team up to play dungeons together using DS Wireless Play. Each player needs a separate game card - DS Download Play is not supported. The game's difficulty level scales depending on how many players are involved. Players cannot harm one another, but they can stun each other with their attacks. This gives the game a competitive aspect as players race to grab items for themselves. Players can team up against a challenging boss creature and then scramble to beat one another to whatever rare items that boss drops once it has been defeated.

As players gain in experience, they will become able to use weapons and armor that they couldn't use earlier. Players can then customize those weapons by adding different gems to a "gem frame."

Gems add new abilities to weapons and improve a character's statistics. They can change a character's defense and attack levels or even give their weapons new attacks. There are more than 180 gems of varying rarity, each with a different effect on the player's character.


  • To arms! Take up sword, flail, hammer and bow, and strike back at the evil that corrupts the heart of Mana.
  • Unlock the power of the gems. Players pick from more than 180 magic gems to customize their characters with new abilities that suit their playing styles and to prepare for intense, fast-paced battles.
  • Play the adventure solo or with friends in four-player local wireless games. Players take on the most difficult challenges, fight formidable foes and even fight one another for loot.
Posted on 25-10-2006 by Dennis


  • Hmm sounds interesting ,but the not hitting another person aspect is wierd.

    jswizz, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • It says Heroes of Mana in the title, not Children of Mana, which is what the article is about. (I would love details on Heroes of Mana, though...)

    moo_man, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • whoops... sorry.

    Dennis, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • This game is very repeative, almost the entire game is mission based. And the dungeons are big and looks very similiar every corner, so it is easy to get lost. I have been in need of an RPG, so I will get it anyway.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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