NDS Nintendo At Comic-Con 06

Most people never heard about the Comic-Con event in San Diego, but Nintendo is planning to show some of its line-up to the public.

It's like a tiny E3. Capcom hosting a Mega Man Battle Networks tournament and Nintendo is showing part of its line-up at the Comic-Con International convention. While special guest Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario, walks around the show giving out autographs and Nintendo characters Link and Mario popping up when you least expect it, gamers get the chance to get their hands on upcoming games for the Nintendo DS, including Elite Beat Agents, Mario Hoops 3 on 3, Pokon Mystery Dungeon, Star Fox Command and many more.

If that's not enough, attendees can visit the Nintendo booth to download Nintendo DS trials and demos of games. Fans can also visit the multi-player zone and compete with other Nintendo DS players.

But wait... there's more! Visitors are encouraged to dress as their favorite Nintendo character to increase their chances of winning swag. Fans should visit the Nintendo booth for prizes and more, including exclusive 8" x 10" oversized postcards given out each day (perfect to collect as a set and have Charles sign). Other giveaways include Nintendo DS Lite systems and Nintendo DS software. Reason enough for residents of San Diego to pop in at the Comic-Con International convention.

Posted on 18-07-2006 by Dennis


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    Charles Moore (the imposter), 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • They had a fairly good showing last year (it was a nice bonus for Comic-Con attendees) w/ demos of Advance Wars, Mario Kart, Nintendogs, and Twillight Princess along with 3rd party content like PW and Viewtiful Joe. Sounds like another good showing this year too. Hope to see some GC/Wii stuff as well.

    jc986, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I've never heard of this before, but I think that it's great that, unlike E3, it's open to the public.

    virtualclash, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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