NDS Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission Las Vegum

Months ago, we already informed you about our findings of a new Asterix & Obelix XXL in development for the Nintendo DS. Today, Atari makes it official.

Atari announced today that Asterix and Obelix XXL 2 is currently in development for Sony's PSP and the Nintendo DS by Tate Interactive and Mistic Software respectively. Enhanced versions of the PlayStation 2 and PC game of the same name, Asterix and Obelix XXL 2 for the PSP and DS take advantage of the unique capabilities of the two consoles while staying rooted in the same great tradition of parody that runs throughout the stories of Asterix and his friends.

The version for Nintendo DS takes the story and gives it a shake with use of the stylus and touch screen so cunning that even the druid Getafix (wasn't he called Panoramix?) would be impressed. A number of hectic mini-games are incorporated into the central game to get that stylus moving, while the addition of two Wi-Fi multiplayer games gives players an extra burst of magic potion-fuelled Gallic mayhem.

Posted on 15-06-2006 by Dennis


  • Thea game style is pretty good and traditional, however I never had much love for side-scroller jumping and point getting games (except Mario).

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I've never heard of this series...

    NPC, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I grew up with the Asterix books. You really should invest in some. Really funny.

    Andrew, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Same here. I remember the Australian version calling him Panoramix. I think everywhere else he's known as Getafix.

    skarma, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Netherlands: Panoramix. Why do you think I put in the Panoramix-part? ;)

    Dennis, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Yes, I know that. But I had the Australian DVD of Asterix, and they called him Panoramix. I didn't say Australia was the [b]only[/b] place, just the only place I'd heard it. ;)

    skarma, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I've been to Parc Asterix in France too. Great Park with brilliant rides.

    Andrew, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • this is not a SIDE SCOLLER!

    wonphi, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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