ALL Whac-a-Mole - Information & Screens

Although the game is on sale in the US already, here are our first screens and facts on the GBA and Nintendo DS versions of Whac-a-Mole.

Those lovable moles are popping up faster and more furiously than ever. The World #1 Arcade Game is now even more addictive and refreshingly challenging, and it burrowing it way to your family hearts and home with hours of fun. But this isn your parentsWhac-A-Mole! In this game, moles fly planes and even drive cars, Ninja Moles hit you with throwing stars, Soldier Moles shoot bazookas, and Electric Moles shock you. Whac them as fast as you can, use your laser to zap them, or even drop a 10 ton weight to crush them! Will you prevail or will they drive you crazy?!


  • Simple, addictive gameplay modeled after the classic arcade game
  • 7 different worlds to progress through, each with its own unique hazards and rewards
  • 3 different modes of play: Arcade, Puzzle, Quick
  • Special moles that fight back! Thief, ninja, pilot, stone, racer, Medusa, soldier, golden, electric and plush moles!
  • Traps, Combos and Power-ups
  • Vibrant graphics, special particle effects, interesting character animations for plenty of fun and excitement
  • Multiplayer available on DS!

    Game Boy Advance screenshots:

    Nintendo DS screenshots:

Posted on 07-12-2005 by Dennis


  • just to warn you lot...

    Dennis, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I actually paid my little cousin to not buy this game.

    Ray00101, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Screw this pile of sh*t.

    skarma, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Best. Game. Evar. *cough* sarcasm *cough*

    zilan, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Idd lol if the next comp is for this game.

    Trent, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Sorry, but I already have better plans for my Money. Trowing it into the sewers or out of the Window for example..

    Sildorian, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • wow after releasing solo mini-games like yoshi on the DS they are going to do it on the gba as well! Yippeee for multiplatform mini games! People only pay full price for full games for the little minigames anyway right? I can confirm at least the GBA version sucks!

    yeahx, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • *glances* *walks away*

    Nintendude, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I wish I'd known .. I've had this game for months. I'll tell you this much - it works a LOT better on the DS than the GBA. I think the game was MUCH more targeted at YOUNG CHILDREN (you know, the ones that actually PLAY redemption games at the arcade). What's the most amazing is that its from Activision. If anyone wants more screens or a video or box art or whatever, let me know.

    Darkuni (DSR), 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I do believe the game was budget priced too - $14.95 or something like that. Just FYI.

    Darkuni (DSR), 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • The game was released at $29.99 about £15 on the DS and $19.99 about £10 on the GBA. The DS version is infact quite good (i own it) the game offers many diffrent twists rather than just hit the moles when they pop up. One mode (puzzle mode) is all about linking diffrent colour moles and creating the required image in the top screen. the game is a hell of a lot deeper than Yoshi and offers more replay value IMO, so i would not be so quick to judge. However the game does lack a spark that makes it great i would say its an above average game about 6.5-7.0 If it gets a < £20 release on the DS here i think it could be a good buy for the 2-3 hours of entertainment you get and the 1 cart multiplayer mode.

    themole, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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