NDS E3: Kirby: Canvas Curse - Facts

New facts of our pink blob in Kirby: Canvas Curse.

An evil witch turns Dream Land into a "picture" world, and when Kirby confronts her, she uses her magic to turn him into a ball. Luckily, he finds a magic paintbrush she left behind and uses it to turn the DS stylus into a magic item capable of drawing rainbow paths. These rainbow paths are the only way he can find power-ups and reach the gates of each world. Draw loops to make him speed up, make ramps to jump danger and draw walls to block laser beams and cannon blasts. Kirby then sets out to regain his shape and save Dream Land.

Use the stylus to draw paths to guide Kirby through each level or to tap enemies to stun them. Break blocks and draw walls to avoid danger as Kirby heads for the gate of each stage. After defeating all three stages in each of the seven worlds, players must win a boss battle against King Dedede, Kracko or Paint Roller to open up the next world.

By dashing into enemies (or running into them while they're stunned), Kirby will copy their abilities. Every ability has a unique power ? Burning Kirby can blaze a horizontal trail at high speed, Stone Kirby can plunge invincibly through the water and Wheel Kirby can cruise at high speeds to launch to distant areas.

Posted on 17-05-2005 by Dennis


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