GBA Ace Combat Advance - Movie

A short flash-based movie of Ace Combat Advance.

Ace Combat Advance casts the player as a pilot in the United Air Defense. As the newest recruit, you must help the UAD to destroy the Air Strike Force and bring General Resources Ltd., an evil worldwide economic superpower, to its knees. Ace Combat Advance features an overhead perspective with intense action over a variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground environments. Players can choose from 10 planes and 12 missions, and can unlock new planes and weapons based on their skill as a pilot. The game is currently scheduled for a release in February 2005.

Posted on 11-12-2004 by Dennis


  • wow, that looks awesome! I need a good shoot everything in sight game lol

    terrace, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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