NDS Pac-Pix - screens & info

Namco released a few new images of Pac-Pix for the NDS and kindly supplied some generic game-info with them.

Namco released a few new images of Pac-Pix for the NDS and kindly supplied some generic game-info with them.

Pac-Pix is the game for the Nintendo DS in which we'll draw Pac-Man ourselves and guide him to eat up the Ghosts on the screen. So first things first: we need a Pac-Man. To draw a Pac-Man, Namco asks you to use the stylus and the touchscreen and start drawing. To succesfully draw a Pac-Man, you'll have to start in the top-right and go clockwise drawing the well-known icon (as can be seen in image 1). If we've succesfully drawn Pac-Man, he'll appear in yellow on the screen and start running forwards (as seen in image 2). But the Ghosts are clever and they won't just stand in front of your recently drawn Pac-Man so we need a way to turn our ghostbuster around. To do so, we simply draw a straight line which will turn our hero into the direction you've drawn the 'wall' into. For example, if Pac-Man comes from the left and you draw the wall from bottom to top, Pac-Man will take a left-turn resulting in a Pac-Man going 'up'. Drawing the wall from top to bottom will cause the opposite: Pac-Man will go down the screen as seen in image 3. Finally, there's only one more control you need to know... If you use the stylus and simply push on your Pac-Man himself, he'll temporarily stop walking which gives you a small amount of time to rethink your strategy to eat all Ghosts.

It's all up to you how you're about to catch the Ghosts. Use one Pac-Man as described above and make him turn a zillion times, or would you rather draw one big Pac-Man who'll take up almost the entire screen? Or are you in a rather creative mood and can't stop drawing? Then you could also settle for a whole army of Pac-Men.

Of course, eating Ghosts all the time isn't exactly a good diet. Pac-Man always used to eat some cherries in between as well. At some points during Pac-Pix, exits will appear in the bottom screen. Guiding your Pac-Man towards one of these exits will get your Pac-Man to leave the bottom screen, enter the top screen, eat whatever bonus is available there and finally return to the bottom screen using the other exit... Ready to eat some more Ghosts.

Posted on 01-10-2004 by Dennis


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