ALL Fend off a robot invasion with Antipole on DSiWare

Saturnine Games has announced the upcoming release of Antipole for DSiWare. Bend the laws of gravity in a quest to fend off a robot invasion. To celebrate, Saturnine also releases the full soundtrack for free.

Saturnine Games announces the upcoming release of Antipole for the Nintendo DSiWare service on Thursday, July 21, 2011. In Antipole, players bend the laws of gravity in their quest to fend off a robot invasion.

Antipole equips players with the ability to alter the world around them by temporarily reversing the direction of gravity. Players can use their gravity manipulator to reverse gravity in the area around them for short periods of time. While the gravity manipulator is active, everything in the area around the player is affected by the change in gravity. The player and everything else around them, including your enemies, will fall in the new direction of gravity. The gravity manipulator will recharge when inactive if the player is standing on solid ground. Players can take advantage of reversed gravity to run on the ceiling, jump incredible distances, change the direction of a jump in mid-air to launch themselves around obstacles, or fling enemies into deadly hazards. Players must manipulate gravity wisely, as reversing gravity can also create new obstacles to avoid.

In celebration of the release, the entire 9 song soundtrack can be downloaded from the Saturnine Games website.

Antipole is the second Nintendo DSiWare release by Saturnine Games, following last year's release of Cosmos X2. Players who own both games will be able to play a special bonus mode in Antipole incorporating elements of Cosmos X2.

Antipole will be released on July 21, 2011 in the Nintendo DSi Shop for 500 Nintendo DSi Points as well as in the Nintendo eShop (for Nintendo 3DS) for $4.99.

Posted on 18-07-2011 by Dennis


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