3DS FAST Racing League Arriving Later This Month

Developers Shin'en have announced that their futuristic racer FAST Racing League will be released in Europe on May 27th. The information was posted on the games official site, which is well worth checking out.

In the year 2112 the masses are fascinated by extreme high-speed races. The latest antigrav racing technology introduced phase shifting. Perfect phase matching of track and racing machine is the key to stay alive. Warm up your engines, the future is now...

Key Features

  • 1 - 4 Player Splitscreen
  • Many Racing Modes
  • 24 Challenges
  • Unlockables
Posted on 11-05-2011 by Andrew


  • Really looking forward to this. Jett Rocket was great and Shin'en do make some fantastic games. Does make me annoyed Nintendo never gave us another F Zero on the Wii (but really, they'd never be able to beat how good F Zero GX was).

    ganepark32, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Shin'en do make very classy games. I'm also looking forward to their 3DS offering.

    Andrew, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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