WII Nintendo Announces Pandora's Tower for Wii

While Nintendo was announcing and showing footage for more stalwart franchises during their Investors Meeting yesterday, they did announce a new intellectual property for the Wii called Pandora's Tower.

As with most of the games revealed during their Investors Meeting, there was next to nothing revealed about the new IP which is being developed by Nintendo other than that the game is currently rated CERO C in Japan and that development is in the final stages, with the game set for release in the early half of this year.

An official site for the game has appeared, which can be found here, but other than offering up some soothing piano music, some voice work which translates to "Dying with beauty, or living with ugliness. Which would you be happier with?" and the below piece of artwork, nothing else was revealed.


It is suspected that the game is the next offering from Nintendo owned Monolith Soft, the team behind the Baten Kaitos games and the recent Xenoblade on the Wii (which is currently still down on Nintendo's release schedule for North America), with the developer having posted a teaser website a few weeks ago which could be linked to this, although nothing has been confirmed at this time.

Expect news on Pandora's Tower to come within the next few weeks.

Posted on 28-01-2011 by Chris


  • Disaster was far from being on of the best games this gen. Lots of gameplay elements mashed together to create a game which was ultimately average and at times an absolute chore to play. Interesting concept though. The Monolith Soft part to this story is pure speculation on my part but it does seem likely it is them based on the art. And yeah, it's probably another JRPG. Hopefully it comes to the West.

    ganepark32, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • They also made Disaster- one of the best games this gen! It sounds interesting, I hope its an "arty" sort of Adventure game.

    Trent, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • I am hoping this is a JRPG.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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