NDS New Pokémon games delayed for Dutch region

Nintendo may have renamed their "Official Nintendo Seal of Quality" to "Official Nintendo Seal" due to the rise of third parties developing for their platforms, but they're still all about quality when it comes to their own games. Hence why Nintendo Benelux decided to delay one of their major titles.

Nintendo Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) today issued out a notice to the Dutch gaming press and trade about Pokon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Unfortunately the notice was the official recognition of a recent rumour: that the Dutch-versions of the games contain a small bug.

Nintendo continued that quality is still one of their main pillars and that's why they tale this problem seriously. For that reason, Nintendo decided to postpone the release of their handheld-product-of-the-month until further notice. To clarify: we're only talking about the Dutch version here. The other versions (English, French, German, etc) are still set for a release on March 26.

The new releasedate for Pokon HeartGold and SoulSilver will be announced shortly. DS-x2.com would like to show their appreciation for Nintendo's honesty in this case and whishes them all the luck with bugfixing.

Posted on 25-03-2010 by Dennis


  • Yeah the rumor that the HG one was going to be ditched in the UK for a random preiod of time was fabracated. Also I got my SS, probably going to do a review for you guys.

    Trent, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • ^ Wasn't fabricated per se. Copies of HeartGold doing the rounds weren't working because of a dirty connector in the cart which was blocking access to save files. That's primarily why it's been delayed in Benelux. Shouldn't be too long before it's sorted though so people won't have too long to wait.

    ganepark32, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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