WII Hudson announces Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem

The WiiWare is facing a new shooter, with Hudson's upcoming Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem.

Wii owners will direct the course of evolution this fall when Hudson Entertainment launches Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem. Exclusively downloadable for WiiWare, the interspecies shooter is set to be published by Hudson Entertainment.

"Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem combines classic shooter gameplay with a surreal take on evolution," says Peter Dassenko, Producer at Hudson Entertainment. "It's all about the survival of the fittest in this downloadable title."

In Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem, players start as primates and battle lizardmen across the epochs, from primeval to medieval times and beyond. Players who survive each battle will evolve from a lowly monkey to an apeman, then caveman, a human knight, and finally a soldier. The combat continues to change as the lizardmen also evolve throughout the game. Co-op mode allows players to survive the onslaught together.

Posted on 09-10-2009 by Dennis


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