ALL G-Force Wii and DS Reviewed

While movie and TV tie-in's make up the majority of the DS's catalogue, it's safe to say that this is not an area where you'll generally find quality titles. Disney turn just about all of their properties into games and with Nintendo's age old 'family friendly' face, most of them make their way to the Wii and DS. G-Force is the latest to hit the shelves but want did our reviewers think of it?

If you didn't already know, G-Force centers around a group of fearless Guinea Pig's who's mission it is to save mankind from destruction! We're only guessing there but you get the picture.

We gave Chris the Wii version and you can see what he thought here and you can also read Andrew's findings for the DS version here.

Posted on 16-08-2009 by Andrew


  • Haha, we gave the same scores :P Not a bad game though for a movie tie-in. There's plenty of potential in the license whenever the inevitable sequel comes but I'd hope that a sequel, game-wise, would centre around a game specific plot and not try and follow the movie as that would have made this that little bit better.

    ganepark32, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Oh no, we did. Very strange.

    Andrew, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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