WII Wii Music sales in U.S. are just over 60,000

It seems Nintendo still has hope for Wii Music even if it had a poor first few weeks.

"You'll see in [the NPD sales] that it did about somewhere [like] 65 or 66,000 based on our internal numbers for the two weeks that was reported. '¦we're predicting that it's going to be an evergreen title. And if you look at titles like 'Brain Age,' it's about the same as what 'Brain Age' did during its first few weeks and went on to sell 2.5 million copies. 'Wii Fit' certainly had a larger launch than that. But I think that people are starting to understand 'Wii Music.'" - Cammie Dunaway

So will Wii Music become a hit like Brain Age having received quite a mixed reception from everyone?

Posted on 14-11-2008 by jofra01


  • I certainly won't be buying.

    Hells Zargon, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • From the drumming demo I though the player get to play scales or at least some sort or rhythm. It turns out this game is still no better than DDR, except with less buttons.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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