WII 2 Versions of No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle for Europe

Suda51 is giving Europeans the option to buy an extreme violent No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle version or one toned down in the violence.

When No More Heroes was released within Europe all blood was replaced by blackness, No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle won't be receiving the same treatment.

Suda51 the man behind the upcoming No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle made the following announcement concerning two versions of the game 'œWe won't be able to make the same game for all territories. For Europe, we're going to release two versions. One extreme version, and one with less violence. '¦With No More Heroes 2 we want to please the fans too. I want the European users to be able to experience the extreme version. When I first had the concept (for NMH), I had both the bloody version and the milder version in mind. So when I worked on the US version, it wasn't a problem for me to make, but when I made the Japanese version, I needed to rethink it a little bit. But I did both at the same time.'?

Should we be happy that Suda51 is taking a different approach this time around and actually giving us, or at least Europe, the chance to use how violent they want No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle to be?

Posted on 10-10-2008 by jofra01


  • Sweet, most people play No Nore Heroes for the inhuman level amount of blood sprays. Taking that away this game just doesn't have as much fun.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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