NDS Strategy First Cans DS Projects

Jagged Alliance, Disciples II: Dark Prophecy and Warlords DS... All titles many strategy-lovers were looking looking forward for when Strategy First announced the release on Nintendo DS. And today, we bring you sad news.

Although we had to be the bearer of bad news, official word from Strategy First has reached the DS-x2 pidgeonhole: the Nintendo DS projects have been cancelled until further notice.

The news on canning the projects may not come as a surprise: the last time we heard from Jagged Alliance or Disciples II was back in January. However, Infinite Interactive, the company behind Warlords DS, is still eagerly informing its fans on the development of its title. In a recent frum posting, a developer from Infinite Interactive claims that the company had just received word on a delay, most likely due to the cancellation by Strategy First. The fact that Infinite Interactive speaks of a 'delay' might one believe that the company is currently searching for a new publisher.

Posted on 01-10-2007 by Dennis


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