Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (Nintendo DS) - Description

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In Army Men: SOM take on the role of Timmy as he battles alongside the "Green Brigade" against the "Tan Strike Force" to prevent them from taking over the house. Timmy enters the world of make-believe as he imagines himself only 3 inches high. Armed with his favorite toy weapons, help Timmy prevent his little tan army men from achieving global home domination. The player's goal is to complete every mission in the game and work their way to the final battle and prevent the Tan Strike Force from taking control of the house.


  • Choose from many different weapons such as dart gun, squirt gun, tennis ball grenade and use a bowling bowl to take out large enemies like tanks.
  • Missions take place in various environments around the house
  • Seek cover behind Lego blocks, stuffed animals, a shoe, etc...
  • Use weapons efficiently - such as using the dart gun to hit an unreachable switch or lobbing a grenade over a toy fire truck


  • Screenshot of Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (Nintendo DS)
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Boxart of Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (Nintendo DS)
Platform: Nintendo DS
Genre: Action
Developer: Big Blue Entertainment